Friday, 10 October 2014

3DS MAX - Tutorial Make Sofa

This is a tutorial to make a sofa with 3ds max. I use 3ds max 2010 in this exercise. 
First of all, open the 3ds max software. then follow the steps below. 
on the right select CREATE, Geometry, and select the box and make the top viewport. drag from top left to bottom right. then release the mouse button. Rev the mouse.
The next box and click the mouse to the right. select CONVERT TO, Editable Poly.
then on the right side of the screen select the editable poly EDGE.
block all transverse lines on the box.
CONNECT select and set the parameters as follows.
the edge state is still active, select one edge and select RING. and select conect. and set its parameters.
to modify, select the polygon and selection like in the following image.
while holding down the control key, the selection of the one part that looks like this.
then select Extrude and set its parameters.
to maintain the shape of the object at the time in smooth, then we have to add a few lines or edges in the proper place. by following this tutorial, you can know where to add and reduce edge is not required. 
nah, now select EDGE. and select an edge on the object. and click RING.
so the result looks like this.
after that click CONNECT.
and set the parameters as follows.
do the same thing on the red below.
and so on until it looks like the following.
then the modifier list select TurboSmooth rollout.
give the value 3 iterations.
for a while, the basic shape of the sofa will be like this.
will further explain how to make the seat cushion and backrest cushion for.
straight course.
Selection garis2 that of the seats in this section. (red color)
after that click CONNECT and set the parameters as follows.
on editable poly select Polygon.
Selection in this section (to provide a selection of more than one part, hold down the control key and select one by one part of it).
then select DETECT.
BEARING named at the exit menu. and set like this.
select the edge and selection on the affected side arrows and select LOOP.
(LOOP function to select a straight edge connected). My definition of hell wkwk ...
then press the H key on the keyboard and select PADS.
on the left viewport, click and hold on the Y axis while being moved to the top.
select the edge and selection as shown below.
then click REMOVE.
the modifier list, select SHELL.
and set the parameters as follows.
right click on the object PADS. and select CONVERT TO, Editable Poly.
then select EDGE.
the front viewport, selection titik2 follow the line.
while holding down the ALT key selection in this section. by downloading drag / block from top left to bottom right.
then select REMOVE.
VERTEX activate.
still in the front viewport. then the selection in this section.
then click REMOVE again.
do the same as above was that the result looks like this.
after completely like that, the modifier list select TurboSmooth. and activate the VERTEX and selection like this. set the height equal to the next vertex.
right click on the object PADS. and select HIDE unselected.
EDGE enabled and selection like this (to make it faster, use LOOP).
select CAMFER.
set like this.
then, while holding down the SHIFT key select Polygon.
click INSERT.
on setting out, make like this.
then select Extrude.
set like this.
then the modifier list, select TurboSmooth. and change interations into 3.
until it looked like this. press F4 to bring up the wireframe.
function of F3 you can simply try and see.
right click on the object and select unhide ALL.
after everything appears, press and drag the arrows to follow the X axis.
on the exit menu, set as follows. number of copies were given a value of 2.
then press the H key on the keyboard. and select box01.
VERTEX and the selection switch as follows. do this in front fiewport.
then by using the SELECT AND MOVE, move the vertices that have been selected as this.
for Sementra, semi-finished sofa looks like the following.

Thank you please stop here for Sofa Making Tutorials 3DS MAX

source :

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